Digale hola a
La forma más inteligente de tomar las mejores decisiones. Nuestra colorida gama de productos está hecha solamente con ingredientes de alta calidad con los que usted puede sentirse bien y tienen un precio para mantener feliz a su billetera también.
Obtenga más información sobre nuestra Garantía de Buena Calidad
Lo que sabemos
Todos somos personas ocupadas y no tenemos tiempo para leer cada etiqueta y cocinar cada comida desde cero. Pero también sabemos que no deberíamos tener que hacerlo. Sabemos que deben haber alimentos asequibles, deliciosos y convenientes a nuestro alcance.
Lo que nos encanta
Nos encantan los ingredientes de calidad. Nos encantan los productos frescos. Nos encantan los snacks saludables. Nos encantan los antojos placenteros. Y realmente nos encanta que podamos encontrarlo todo en "Know & Love", una gama cada vez más amplia de deliciosos productos, todos elaborados con nuestros más estrictos estándares de calidad para que el tomar las mejores decisiones sea más fácil que nunca.
Nuestra Garantía de
Buena Calidad
Todos queremos sentir que los productos que le damos a nuestras familias son los mejores posibles. Es por eso que “Know & Love” se compromete a usar ingredientes honestos y de calidad en todo lo que hacemos. Nuestra filosofía es simple: tomamos los ingredientes que usted conoce para crear los productos que a usted le encantan.
en los que puede confiar
Cuidadosamente seleccionado.
Los ingredientes que encontrará en los productos de “Know & Love” se seleccionan por su calidad, y cada producto está libre de una lista de casi 100 ingredientes inaceptables, como aditivos de color certificados, aceites parcialmente hidrogenados, jarabe de maíz con alto contenido de fructosa y edulcorantes como el aspartamo, Sacarina y Sucralosa.
en la que usted puede confiar
Rigurosamente probada.
Nunca comprometemos el sabor, porque sabemos que los excelentes ingredientes también pueden brindar un gran sabor. Todos nuestros productos están elaborados para satisfacer su paladar y son probados con entusiasmo para obtener un sabor deliciosamente agradable.
Un valor
en el que puede confiar
Sorprendentemente de precio.
Creemos que los mejores ingredientes deben estar disponibles para todos. Es por eso que "Know & Love" ofrece el mismo gran valor al igual que todas las ofertas de nuestra marca propia.

know & love FAQs
know & love is the latest private label brand focused on using familiar ingredients in creating the everyday products that we all love. This brand will offer a wide range of products that includes gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and more that will reflect the commitment in offering quality products and the happiness of the communities we serve.
know & love offers a wide range of products found throughout the entire store and online. Search frescoymas.com to find all the available products today!
know & love not only offers affordable options but also puts a strong emphasis on helping customers identify product attributes to facilitate their choices through innovative package design. Our team has carefully crafted a packaging solution that makes it easy for you to spot the lifestyle options you’re looking for. With vibrant colors, clear labels, and informative icons, our packaging ensures that you can make informed decisions about the food you bring into your home.
Starting July 2023, the first items will begin shipping to all Fresco y Más stores with a product launch and transition strategy continuing through 2025.
Products are formulated with ingredients that are not on the restricted ingredient list. However, exceptions can be made to accept ingredients on the restricted ingredient list if they are considered naturally occurring (i.e., the ingredient simply exists in the product by nature and without any artificial aid). Examples would be sulfites in wine or MSG in tomatoes.
know & love products are made with quality ingredients and are formulated to exclude around 100 ingredients.
Many products throughout our stores will transition into the know and love brand, including products labeled SE Grocers and Naturally Better. The refreshed look will make it easier for customers to identify product attributes such as Gluten Free, Organic & Plant-based options. Other products will remain in their current brands and continue to offer the same great quality and value.
Our suppliers are selected according to our rigorous food safety standards. Each product approved for the know & love brand undergoes a thorough quality evaluation to ensure it meets our quality standards. We do this so that we can provide our customers with consistent quality and safe products at affordable prices.
Exempt colors are allowed in know & love products as defined by FDA.
Definition of exempt colors:
“Exempt” colors include pigments from natural sources such as vegetables, minerals, or animals. Examples include annatto extract (yellow), dehydrated beets (bluish-red to brown), caramel (yellow to tan), beta-carotene (yellow to orange), and grape skin extract (red, green). Although exempt color additives are not subject to batch certification requirements, they are still color additives, and FDA must approve them before they can be used in foods.
know & love products are formulated with natural flavors as defined by the FDA. According to the FDA, natural flavors are substances used to impart a flavor that is derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof.
Certain sweeteners are not allowed in know & love products, such as Acesulfame-K (Ace-K), Aspartame, Saccharin, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Sucralose.
We guarantees the quality and satisfaction of all our Own Brand Products, including know & love. If, for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied with any of our products, you can return the product for a replacement or a full refund.